Thursday, February 15, 2018

I know...

... I know what you are thinking. I know because I thought so too.

You are thinking that there is no way in hell you will make a decent amount of money transcribing. Well, you are wrong. It's really up to you how much money you make. You are your own boss. You decide when to work and for how long.

I won't lie to you, the first few times it would take me ages to finish one project. But don't get discuraged, afterwards you just get better at it. Remember, practice makes perfect.

After two or three projects you get better and faster and that usually means more work in less time. And it also means you are getting more money. How does that sound?

All you have to do is apply here and take the test. You can change your life and you have nothing to lose. I wish there has been someone out there for me before, encouraging me to do this earlier. You are lucky to have me here to give you the little push you need.

As always I hope for the best for you.


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